The Baron checked into the Marriott
last Friday and awaits our arrival.
Got my "Briar-Bricks"
These Reasons to come to the reunion brought to you by
Mike Chase! 
Mike Lane, Ricky Corless, Gary Nix, Robert Dodge
Mike Lane, Ricky Corless, Gary Nix, Robert Dodge
Jane Wallis Reed and Ted McKee.
Jane Wallis Reed and Ted McKee.
Can you tell who these characters are?
We have a bunch of shout-outs from classmates who have already had their 50th reunion,and classmates of ours here:
Phil Houston, Dotti Moreland, Lee Trible, Tommy Waller, Jomary Hilliard Boles, Marilyn Kae, Group (Bill Peake, David Davis, Johnny Irvin, and Turk Mckinnon) Bonnie Bowen Buckner, Bobby Rogers, and a group of (Gay Fleming Bosland, Alice Duncan, Carol Ann Tanner, Sandy Vess Rogers, Lynne Waller and Phyllis Teel).


The Ballrooms are finished as are several floors of the rooms.  They will be finished with this project sometime in June so it will all be finished before our reunion dates.

We have recieved a shout out from Phil Houston, class of '65 and Lee Tribble, '66 Student Body President that you can view here: