Married high school sweetheart, Jan Greer (BHS class of "69) 35 years ago.We've been in Savannah for a long time now and really love living on the coast.Love to travel to far away and interesting places.My work keeps me challenged and intrigued.Can't wait to see everyone at the reunion.Many thanks to the Reunion Commitee. What a great job!!!
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Gary Appelson
Now photo
Marital status:
Marine conservation
Thanks to ya'll for tracking me down after sooo many years. I left Atlanta after HS and return for occassional family visits. After college I lived in Athens, Ga for 20 great years as a carpenter and old home renovator. I have lived in Gainesville, Florida for the last 20 years, happily married and enjoying the sunshine state. I have a wonderful 14 year old daughter that keeps me much younger than I look. A little over a decade ago I changed careers and now work for the oldest marine turtle research and conservation organization in the world, based in Gainesville. Go figure, there are no marine turtles in the middle of the state. Hoping to make the Reunion and say hello.Regards,Gary
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Lynne Barfield (Waller)
Marital status:
We all owe Ricky Corless a debt of gratitude for this labor of love (the website!).This is a great tool to effectively get in touch with our fellow classmates. Do your part....pick up the phone or go to your computer and make contact with a classmate. Share this site with them so we can get this party started!!
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Ginnie Beard
Marital status:
wife/mom/grandmother of soon to be 5
Am again looking forward to seeing everyone. My husband David and I have lived in Greenville almost 41 years (except for 5 1/2 years of wanderlust that took us to Columbia, Tampa and Raleigh). Eldest daughter Elisabeth lives in Lexington SC with her husband and 9 year old son. Daughter Laura lives in Arlington VA with her husband, 10 year old boy/girl twins, a 7 year old daughter and is expecting #4 in early October. David and I are both very involved in our community and serve on several boards. I travel as much as possible, seeing the grandchildren, enjoying time at Pawleys Island and seeing the world. Believe it or not, our high school Girl Scout troop has remained in contact thru the years and I still talk to Karen Krueger who was in school with us and moved to the San Francisco area our junior year. Am still wondering how many of you I will recognize....
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Bill Bell
Then photo
Now photo
Marital status:
Greenhouse Contractor
Janet Martens (BHS 67) and I were married in 1972 during my senior year at Georgia Tech. We have lived in Peachtree Corners since 1978. We have one son and three grandchildren. They live in Hartwell, Georgia. Janet graduated with a degree in education from UGA and taught school in Gwinnett County. I sold glasshouses for 45 years and we are both now retired. We enjoy traveling, boating, flying, and attend Norcross Methodist Church where we are active in our Sunday School class and I sing in the choir and play the trombone in the orchestra for special events. Janet enjoys playing in several bridge clubs and I meet several times each week for lunch with several groups of pilots. We keep a boat on Lake Lanier and enjoy spending days on the water. We also enjoy seeing new places and travel when we have time. Many thanks to the reunion organizers. We look forward to visiting with old friends. Bill
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Linda Bell
Now photo
Marital status:
Committed Relationship
Financial Analyst, USAID/Bangladesh
It took living in Bangladesh to hear about the reunion! Okay, 40 years in a paragraph. After living in D. C., working for cultural funding agencies and the Smithsonian, I retired early in '01. For fun I've been golfing, diving, and I was a reader and officer of the board of Recording Services for the Visually Impaired. Now I'm enjoying a second career in the foreign service with a wonderful partner who also works in USAID. I have been in Dhaka this past year and am packing out this very weekend to move to Cambodia for our next post, where we hope to spend the next 2 years at least. Those of you who took math with me would be astonished to know that I have been in financial management the past few years and, yes, I have actually needed that algebra that I didn't learn.A little far to commute to the reunion but I bet it will be fun. So please everybody, post your stuff so we can catch up vicariously at least. I'm here and on Facebook too.
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Rachel Benator
Marital status:
Ophthalmologist/Eye Surgeon
I worked as a Music Therapist in Atlanta and then in Dallas after graduating from U.Ga. I have been living in Salt Lake City for the past 25 years. I'm a practicing Ophthalmologist, doing cataract surgery, LASIK and all the other usual stuff. My husband is my practice manager. My son graduated from Emory Law School and is currently practicing law in Atlanta. My parents still live in the same house in Atlanta that I grew up in. My daughter, who is 27, starts medical school this fall.
I love living in Utah. The skiing is amazing and the red rock country of southern Utah is like exploring another planet. There is spectacular hiking and snow shoeing just outside my front door. Come by for a visit!!
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Sondra Berse
Now photo
Marital status:
Committed Relationship
Therapist-Licensed Real Estate Consultant
It is hard to believe that it has been 40 years since we graduated. Everyone has retired and I'm just getting started....always the late bloomer. I love this guys have done a wonderful job. I hope to stop by the pool party on my way out of town.
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Patrick (Pat) Blanchard
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Marital status:
Greetings from Yankeeland! Never thought I would be saying that but "never say never" as they say. It has been a long journey since BHS, both time-wise and distance-wise. My career in financial services has taken us to seven different states and eight different houses. My wife, Susan, is an RN at a local hospital here in West Michigan. We have been married 38 years and have two sons, Brian and Sean. This is really scary but we are expecting our first grandchild in October. Not sure that I am ready for that. Brian and Sabrina were married last year and live in Scottsdale, AZ where we will retire when I finish school. Somehow, I can't seem to stop going. This time it's for an M. Div. Spanish is my second language and I hope to work with the Hispanic community when we get to AZ. Looking forward to house #9!
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Bill Bowen
Now photo
Marital status:
I was at Briarcliff for two years, then graduated from a high school in Fort Lauderdale, but I remember it as a very spirited time, playing football with Ricky, Eric, Louis et al, being in a band with Tim Lukas and Bob Lockhart, “The Outriggers” – I think we had one gig. Drinking my first beer in Pat Swindall’s basement. Hayslett, my eccentric neighbor, driving me to school. But it was a troubled time for me, I spent too much time in the assistant principal’s office, did some wild things, tried to get suspended early enough in the week to be back in time for the football games. So I switched states, guarded the coast of Vietnam on an aircraft carrier, was a sports writer at three newspapers and a copy editor at three more. Married and divorced twice, son Ben (47) in Fort Lauderdale and daughter Kate (34) in Toronto. Retired in 2009 and now in a much busier band, “The PinkSlip Duo,” with Joan Friedenberg, and we perform multi-media musical shows in theaters, universities and communities in South Florida. This photo was just printed in Delray Beach magazine with a nice article. We’re working on a possible tour north next year and in negotiation for a show at the Bitter End in Greenwich Village. (Yes, the Bitter End is still there and looks just the same!) Looking forward to the reunion and hearing about all the things I DON’T remember.